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A response to The Ezekiel Declaration
This statement is presented by the Gospel, Society and Culture Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Australia in NSW and the ACT. It is the view of the Committee, not an official position of the Church. Click here for a PDF version of this response. In the last week, ministers, elders and members of the PCNSW have signed the Ezekiel...
A time to discern what is beautiful
A quick end to Covid is wishful thinking. But pandemics can also be catalysts to rebuild societies in new and creative ways, writes NALINI PATHER*. With the increased uptake of vaccines, as well as discussions about the road out of lockdowns and even vaccine certificates and passports (a discussion of its own), we might begin to think that the...
A lockdown birthday party
What’s a birthday without a party? Ben Shuhyta* reflects and rejoices. I hoped I could avoid it, but this year, I’m spending my birthday in lockdown. For more than a year, we citizens of regional NSW have been going about our lives with less restrictions than our metro cousins. Last birthday, I met with friends for a barbecue. The year before,...
Who are you to judge?
Who is the final divine authority in today's fractured world? KAMAL WEERAKOON* has the answer - and it's not atheism! “Religion poisons everything and causes wars.” When I was in my 20s, my peers took that statement for granted. Everybody ‘knew’ that belief in the supernatural was infantile. Everybody ‘knew’ that science had disproved the...
Book Review: Western Fundamentalism
LEWIS JONES* finds that Gordon Menzies' book, Western Fundamentalism, takes us on a journey worth taking Menzies, G., 2020. Western Fundamentalism: Democracy, Sex and the Liberation of Mankind. Sydney: Gordon Menzies. Available at Reformers Bookshop and other outlets. During World War II, Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies gave weekly...
My groans are many and my heart is faint
SANDY MCMILLAN* laments our loss of the ability to lament.In the very early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sydney, when the main talking point was panic buying, I was in the empty toilet roll aisle of the local supermarket, when I heard a woman asking a shelf stacker: “How long will this madness go on?” She had to repeat herself three times...
Nation’s culture the key to why we are Covid-anxious
LEWIS JONES* considers whether aspects of our socio-cultural formation play a part in the psychological impact of this ongoing Covid crisis. About two weeks into our COVID-19 timeline in Australia, typically taken as time since the 100th confirmed case, researchers began surveying Australians about mental health. Similar projects were...
Twists, turns and a long road to Covid recovery – new G,S&C series
In the first part of a new series on the impact of Covid-19 and variants, NALINI PATHER* says we must prepare for a long journey - and we should lean on our Gospel hope The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the Delta variant of the virus is sweeping across the globe. The Delta variant was first detected in India and has now spread to...
The Covid information inundation
In the first of two blogs, LEWIS JONES* looks at how Covid has distorted our sense of time and space - but he offers a path to recovery. At 7:07pm on the 26th of June 2021, it seemed like a good thing that you had booked a rental cabin where you were going to stay with in-laws and some family friends for the school holidays. At 7:08pm, it not...
The end of the diary … and more serious issues about the past, present and future
In the second in a series, LEWIS JONES* says that Covid tempts us to turn inward and look after ourselves in the face of uncertainty. But God tells us to look to Him. The ongoing Covid crisis has made the present so different from the past - even the recent past - in such significant ways, that it feels like the past has become irrelevant; a...
Needle-phobia and loving your neighbour
BEN GREIG* lives in regional NSW and has a fear of needles. He explains why overcoming his fear was important. I have a not-so-well-kept secret. I have a bit of a phobia of needles (trypanophobia). Even the mention of the things gives me an uncomfortable shiver down my spine. For most of my close friends and family it was a matter of if, not...
Covid, fate, fatalism, and confidence in Christ
Lewis Jones’s blogs about Covid’s impact on the way we think about the future, prompted KARINE WOLDHUIS* to reflect on her time in Ecuador, where discussions about plans often ended with “God willing”. Fatalistic or realistic? Read on One of the strange things I had to get used to in Ecuador was a lack of planning. Even organising to see a friend...
The common good: How should we then live?
Our world is working out how to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. As we restrict our contact with one another, in order to stop the spread of the virus, what does it mean for Christians to seek the “common good” in our world? Our Committee Convener, John McClean, reflects on this, and offers some thoughts that we trust will encourage and challenge...
Wanted: Christian tree changers. Apply now
For some, there has been no impetus quite like a pandemic and sky-rocketing urban housing prices, to consider a tree change. In this blog AMY BUTLER* praises the merits, and ministry opportunities, of rural living. This Covid pandemic has made people consider a tree-change. Now might be an opportune time to make the shift from expensive, busy...
Imagine that!
PETER CHRISTOPHER and KAMAL WEERAKOON* call out the irony of the kind of humanistic religion on display at the Olympic opening ceremony, where, in the name of peace, harmony, and diversity, we seek to exclude the source of peace, harmony, and diversity - Jesus Christ. In a previous post, we noted how the Olympic opening ceremonies ooze...
Surrogacy – new resource paper
Photo by Dominika Roseclay The G,S&C has added a resource paper on surrogacy to its coverage of fertility (click here). For a couple desiring a child but facing infertility, there is much sadness. In the face of this grief, surrogacy, at first glance, may seem a realistically feasible and loving solution. One of the greatest challenges facing...
Olympic Idol
The Olympic Games, a wonderful example of athletic endeavour, also reveal our inescapable religious tendencies to worship something. PETER CHRISTOPHER* reflects on opening ceremonies and idols. The Olympic Games have been important to me for two reasons. First, I’m of Greek background – my name isn’t actually Christopher – it’s Christoforatos....
If it’s not Cultural Marxism, what is it?
JOHN McCLEAN* reviews the 'stimulating and vigorous debate' of issues engaging today's church. Our Church Assembly debated the report from our committee this month about Cultural Marxism (you can see the report here). We argued that Cultural Marxism (CM) is not a helpful way to analyse what is going on in our culture. What critics often call...
Hello out there, is anybody listening? The worldview challenge
What’s the best way to be ignored and marginalised in public today? Start by saying “God tells us in the Bible that…” I’m a retired journalist. Back in my day, news was still printed on newspapers - real, paper newsprint. I know, crazy, huh? They were really good for cleaning glass surfaces. Australian newspapers received thousands of letters...
The image of God and caring for others
In part 2 of this new series on Covid-19, NALINI PATHER gives insights into how in light of the pandemic Christians can demonstrate God's love.In the previous post, we discussed how recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and all its variants is going to take a long time; and highlighted some impacts of the pandemic to be aware of. As the last...
God frames our response to the pandemic
In part three of the new series, NALINI PATHER shows us how Jesus frames a response to the Covid-19 pandemic This COVID-19 pandemic has shattered the illusion that humans are in control of the universe. In our secular society, we are accustomed to look to science and technology to provide answers and solutions, and to consider ‘faith’ in God as...
The gospel of the risen Christ is our hope – pandemic or not
In the 4th of a series on Covid-19, NALINI PATHER focuses on Jesus, who gives us comfort and courage In our previous blog we highlighted that God is sovereign in all, and over all. The Gospel literally means ‘good news’ from the sovereign God. This good news is about Jesus – he is the Son of God, he died and was resurrected. Notice then, the...
Cultural Marxism-Black Lives Matter – G,S&C report to 2021 Assembly
The GA NSW meeting in July 2020 requested the Gospel, Society & Culture Committee “to investigate the rise of Cultural Marxism in Australian society, with particular reference to the Black Lives Matter movement”. The final report to the 2021 Assembly is published here.
Gospel hope in an uncertain world – 4 videos
Videos from the Gospel Hope in an Uncertain World seminars cover youth mental health, modern slavery and more. Keynote talk: John McClean - Click here Youth Mental Health interview - Click here Hope for The Captive - Modern Slavery: Karine Woldhuis - Click here Love Your Neighbour, PNG Today - Keith Campbell - Click Here