Equipping our people and churches to engage society and culture from a biblical basis with a gospel focus.
Be Careful of the Vibe Shift
“This vibe shift, while it provides air cover for gospel ministry, does not mean that it suddenly becomes easier for people to be saved,” argues Stephen McAlpine.
What is a ‘life plan’? Should I even have one?
We should be intentional about practising godly living. A life-plan is not self-help; it is an embracing of God’s good design, and the light of his word, argues Benjamin Shuhyta.
The worst and best kinds of conflict
The heinous acts of hatred we see in terrorism are, unfortunately, consequences of contemporary postmodern tribal fragmentation, argues Kamal Weerakoon.
A Christian Approach to Dementia Care
In the era of Physician Assisted Dying, more than ever, Christians need to be clear that the value of a person, and that our responsibility to care and support them, does not depend on their cognitive ability, or their capacity to choose.
Politics? In my church? A review of Michael Jensen’s Subjects and Citizens
If the Bible is a political book, and the church operates in a political landscape, then Christians should have more grasp of politics, not less, writes John McClean.