The Good in Education: A book review
Should schools focus on forming students for their first career, or for a lifetime of service to their community? The answer could make a significant difference to the decisions of a teacher, a parent, or a student.
Be Careful of the Vibe Shift
“This vibe shift, while it provides air cover for gospel ministry, does not mean that it suddenly becomes easier for people to be saved,” argues Stephen McAlpine.
What is a ‘life plan’? Should I even have one?
We should be intentional about practising godly living. A life-plan is not self-help; it is an embracing of God’s good design, and the light of his word, argues Benjamin Shuhyta.
The worst and best kinds of conflict
The heinous acts of hatred we see in terrorism are, unfortunately, consequences of contemporary postmodern tribal fragmentation, argues Kamal Weerakoon.
A Christian Approach to Dementia Care
In the era of Physician Assisted Dying, more than ever, Christians need to be clear that the value of a person, and that our responsibility to care and support them, does not depend on their cognitive ability, or their capacity to choose.
Politics? In my church? A review of Michael Jensen’s Subjects and Citizens
If the Bible is a political book, and the church operates in a political landscape, then Christians should have more grasp of politics, not less, writes John McClean.
Taking Designer Babies To The Next Level
While our anxious world clamours for more and more certainty and increasing control over life, it’s the biblical framework that can settle the heart.
In Times of Grief
Is life just a quest to find ourselves? To define ourselves? What if we are already stamped with the image of the Divine? In this blog series, Amy Butler considers what it means to be human, in light of a biblical anthropology and her lived experience.
Heaven Will Be Full. Not Merely of People, but of Men and Women.
It matters for lots of reasons that we believe in a gendered resurrection.And if we don’t then it seems futile to argue the case about gender identity from a Christian perspective in this present age. We can hardly prosecute the case for a binary view of humans going forward if we believe that God started something but lost interest in it along the way.
The news we are not hearing
Nearly one in three children in Africa currently are malnourished and failing to thrive. Sandy McMillan asks, why are we not hearing more about it?
Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age: an unsettling but essential read
There’s something deeply refreshing about reading a commentator who is prepared to critique her own advice, writes Amy Butler.
What does the GS&C do?
Christians need to know what is happening in the culture because things are changing quickly and new issues emerge constantly. Yet, we cannot presume to find answers from the wider culture.
The fatal risks of an inconvenient life: How will Christians respond?
Stephen McAlpine argues that the timeframe in which Christians are going to be regarded as strange – and, often, regarded as toxic – in their ethical framework, is right now.
His/her/its? Whichever way, pronouns pronounce a view
Should I use preferred pronouns? Should I not? What’s at stake? Is it love? Is it truth? How do I decide? Do different settings require different responses? Does God care?
Freedom of Religion update
Friends, In the weeks before Easter there were important developments in NSW and Federal politics with implications for freedom of religion. This update is lengthy, but we think it is important for Christians to be aware of each of these developments. NSW Conversion Practices Ban Act On 22nd March New South Wales Parliament passed the Conversion...
Navigate 2024. Join us!
The Church has a lot to say about sexuality. In particular, the Church has a lot to say about the issues of sexualised culture ‘out there’. The Christian vision of sexuality is being deserted and deconstructed, day by day. But . . . what if some of the greatest challenges to a Christian sexual ethic are found in our own homes, families and...
Futureproofing Your Ministry with Steve McAlpine
Steve McAlpine has just published his book Futureproof which offers biblical guidance for churches to grow as wise, compelling communities that are faithful to Jesus in the context of a constantly changing culture. It explores the pressures and possibilities of ministry in today’s West, and offers frameworks that explain the pressures and...
Interview with Steve McAlpine
Hear about our partnership with a leading Christian thinker and author.
Report on NSW Government Faith Affairs Council
by Kamal Weerakoon Late last year, the NSW Government constituted the Faith Affairs Council. I have the privilege of representing Presbyterian and Reformed Churches. We are an advisory council to the Minister for Multiculturalism. Membership of the council is determined by what the census reveals about the religious affiliations of the population...
NSW State Politics update
Key legislation on hold … at present NSW Parliament is yet to consider two pieces of legislation that have been a major concern for Christians in the state. The Government has promised to introduce “Anti-Conversion” legislation last year. This legislation is presented as outlawing cruel and abusive practices. If that is all that it did,...
Navigate 2023
The Church has a lot to say about sexuality. In particular, the Church has a lot to say about the issues of sexualised culture ‘out there’. The Christian vision of sexuality is being deserted and deconstructed, day by day. But . . . what if some of the greatest challenges to a Christian sexual ethic are found in our own homes, families and...
Sound of Freedom
You’ve seen Sound of Freedom, now what? The movie, “Sound of Freedom” has arrived in Australia. Released in July in the US, this movie has surprised many by ranking in the top 10 box office sales for 2023. Loosely based on events that happened in 2010, it tells the story of children being rescued from a sex trafficking ring in Colombia....
Domestic Violence Statement
Domestic and family violence is defined as actions that involve violent, harmful, abusive or intimidating behaviour carried out by a partner, carer or family member to control or dominate another family member. This may include physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial, or other types of abuse. Domestic and family violence can use...
The Voice Discussion Paper
The date for the referendum on the Voice will be announced this week. Attached is a discussion paper provided by the Church and Nation Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. The paper was prepared by the Church and Nation committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, and circulated now for the federal committee. We are very...
Legislation to stop sex and gender conversion (‘Anti-conversion legislation’)
Dear Brothers and Sisters, The NSW government is moving to introduce laws to stop attempts to change someone’s sexaulity or gender — these could prohibit and criminalise faithful Christian speech and behaviour. Contact your local MP and tell them about your concerns about the proposed legislation. The website has tools...