Resource Paper

Marriage in Australia has changed. This paper will help you to better understand why marriage matters to God. 


Bible Study

Help your church think about marriage by working through this study booklet Marriage God’s Way.

The Same-Sex Debate

This paper, prepared at the height of the same-sex marriage debate and before the plebiscite, remains a useful resource..

Discussion Paper

Marriage debate pic

The G,S&C committee also released a discussion paper — Marriage debate — dealing with same sex marriage. It argues that Christians should get involved in the discussion for the sake of the common good. It also answers some common questions..


General Assembly Statement

What does the Presbyterian church think about the matter?

This is what the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia made a clear declaration in  2013 about the church’s teaching on marriage:

We, the Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia here assembled declare:

  1. that the true definition of Marriage is found in God’s Word when it reports Him as saying: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” [Genesis 2:24]. It is the lifelong union of one man with one woman, voluntarily entered into, excluding all others.
  2. that the purposes of marriage in God’s design are lifelong companionship, social stability and the natural procreation and nurturing of children [Genesis 2:18, Ecclesiastes 4:9-11; Deuteronomy 6:1-7, Ephesians 6:1-4; Proverbs 14:1, Psalm 127 & 128].
  3. that despite any actions by human governments so called “same-sex marriage” will never be truly marriage.
  4. that the introduction of so called “same-sex marriage” will not contribute to the good of society but will reduce the respect in which marriage is held and further legitimise the procurement of children for same sex couples when a child should, as far as possible, have a mother and father.
  5. that the introduction of so called “same-sex marriage” will be very likely to encroach on freedom of religion in Australia since it will become increasingly unacceptable to speak against homosexual behaviour.
  6. that God condemns homosexual behaviour along with all forms of sin and provides forgiveness of and redemption from all sin through Christ and commissions his church to proclaim this message to all people.
  7. that all Christians struggle with various sins throughout their lives and depend on God’s help, including the support of fellow Christians, to serve Christ faithfully; so Christians who experience same sex attraction should receive compassionate support from fellow believers as they seek to live faithfully either as celibate or in marriage as God has designed it.

Therefore the Assembly

  1. calls on all governments in Australia to refrain from any legislation to introduce so called “same-sex marriage”
  2. calls on all members to oppose the introduction of any legislation for so called “same-sex marriage”
  3. calls on members to communicate the redemption found in Christ to every section of the community
  4. calls on members to offer compassionate support to fellow Christians who experience same sex attraction as they seek to live faithfully either as celibate or in marriage as God has designed it.

The 2016 General Assembly also resolved to:

Urge all state assemblies, presbyteries, and congregations to prayerfully and practically support the “No” case in opposing the redefinition of marriage to include homosexual unions in the 2017 plebiscite.

General Assembly of PCA resolution on same-sex marriage.

During the same-sex marriage plebiscite, the Presbyterian Church of Australia joined the Coalition for Marriage. The coalition consisted of more than 80 groups from across Australia, representing more than 3 million people and is led by the Australian Christian Lobby, Marriage Alliance, the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

Redefining Marriage

Here is a summary of the Presbyterian Church of Australia view about marriage, from the General Assembly of Australia Church and Nation Committee: Redefining Marriage. 

Book Extract

Book Extract: David van Gend is an Australian doctor and President of the Australian Marriage Forum. This is an edited extract from book Stealing From a Child: The Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality’: Defending our children from the Rainbow Revolution


Singleness – magazine article

Discussions of marriage and debates about same sex marriage demand that Christians think about singleness. This Christianity Today article has an interesting reflection on singleness in the midst of marriage debates: Same-Sex Marriage and the Single Christian.

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