By Sandy McMillan Nearly one in three children in Africa currently are malnourished and failing to thrive. Why are we not hearing about it? It was nearly two years ago that I added ‘Famine in Africa’ to my prayer list. There may have been some item hidden in the back...
By Amy Butler There’s something deeply refreshing about reading a commentator who is prepared to critique her own advice. That’s what I got with my recent holiday read (actually, as an audio book), Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age by Rosaria Butterfield. It...
By John McClean Leading the Gospel, Society and Culture Committee for the past decade has been one of the highlights of my years of ministry. It has given me the privilege to work with people who are gifted and thoughtful and committed to serving the Lord and his...
By Stephen McAlpine “In a hundred years, if Christians are known as a strange group of people who don’t kill their children and don’t kill the elderly, we will have done a great thing.” Those are the words of renowned theologian and ethicist, Stanley Hauerwas of Duke...
By Stephen McAlpine Pronouns: the mere presence of the term strikes uncertainty among many Australians today, particularly Christians. Should I use preferred pronouns? Should I not? What’s at stake? Is it love? Is it truth? How do I decide? Do different settings...
Friends, In the weeks before Easter there were important developments in NSW and Federal politics with implications for freedom of religion. This update is lengthy, but we think it is important for Christians to be aware of each of these developments. NSW Conversion...